Senin, 28 November 2011

My Traditional Style Christmas Cake

Christmas cakes are made many different ways, but generally they are variations on classic fruitcake. They can be light, dark, moist, dry, heavy, spongy etc. They are made in many different shapes, with frosting, glazing, a dusting of icing sugar or plain. The spices and dried fruits in the cake are supposed to represent the exotic eastern spices brought by the three Wise Men to the newborn King! 
 The fruit is all soaked overnight in the brandy, in a covered bowl, before use.
I always make three cakes - one for Christmas Day and two for tea until then!
My Ingredients:
150g raisins
125g stoned dates
125g sultanas
100g glace cherries
100ml brandy or whiskey
(all the above are soaked together overnight)
225g real butter
extra butter for greasing
200g caster sugar
4 eggs
grated rind of 1 lemon & 1 orange
2tbls black treacle
225g plain flour
½ tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp mixed spice
¼ tsp ground ginger
¼ tsp grated nutmeg
¼ tsp ground clove
50g ground almonds
50ml brandy or whiskey extra

My Method:
1. Preheat the oven to 120°C. Grease a 20cm cake tin and line it with greaseproof paper.
2. Beat together, in a bowl, the sugar & butter until creamy. Gradually add the eggs dusting a little flour in with each addition. Add the black treacle & grated rinds.
3. Sift the flour, baking powder, salt, spices and add the almonds into the bowl of soaked fruit. Stir all of this together, mixing well.
4. Fold this fruit mix into the egg mix, stirring evenly and then spoon all into the cake tin.
5. Bake in the centre of the oven for 3 hours. If it is browning a little too much cover it loosely with tinfoil. Cook for another ½ hour. The cake is cooked when a fine skewer, inserted into the centre, comes out clean.
6. Make holes all over the warm cake with the skewer and spoon the extra 50ml alcohol over the holes until it has all soaked in. Leave the cake to cool in the tin. When it’s cold, remove it from the tin, peel off the lining paper, then wrap first in clean greaseproof paper and then in foil.

A small amount of brandy, sherry or whiskey is poured into tiny holes in the cake every week until Christmas. This process is called “feeding the cake” and make sure to turn it over each week when you pour another little bit of your favourite tipple over the cake. This gives you the best chance of all that lovely alcohol in penetrating to the middle of the Christmas cake!

Don't forget to Feed the Fish at the bottom of this Post!

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