Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Cutting up a Chicken - step by step!

For all us chefs and busy cooks out there, cutting up a chicken is a piece of cake! 
But like anything in life...
If you don't know how- you don't know how!

So... here is a step by step, on how to cut up a chicken.

This method is used for almost all types of chicken dishes and even for a quicker way to roast the tender juicy bird! A good, strong, sharp knife is required.

1. Trim off the Wings by cutting through the elbow joint where it bends

2. Cut the skin between the Leg and the thigh

3. Turn the chicken over and cut the meat following the hip bone and making sure you gently cut around the piece of meat known as the 'oyster' - it's in the small of the back - take your time.

4. Push the leg backwards to break the leg joint

5. Cut through the joint and follow the back bone down to the tail to complete the cut.
Repeat this sequence with the other leg.

6. Next feel for the breast bone and make a cut to one side tight up against the bone.
When you feel the wishbone tap the back of the knife sharply to cut through it.

 7. Cut through the meat, using gentle strokes against the bone following back towards the shoulder.
Keeping the point of the knife in tight to the bone all the time, cut clear at the neck of the chicken.

 8. To take off the knuckle on the wing, put the point of the knife on the bone and using the base of your hand, give the back of the knife a good sharp bang. This will cut the knuckle clean off!

 9. Repeat this sequence with the other breast

 10. Cut each breast into two or three pieces.

11. To cut the leg in two, cut through the joint where it bends. A little practice will make this faster.

12. Using the point of the knife, cut through the knuckle on the leg as you did with the wing.

And there you have it! All cut down into handy pieces for cooking and serving.

Don't forget to feed the fish at the bottom of this post!

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