Rabu, 13 April 2011

Rhubarb & Ginger Jam like my Granny used to Make!

The young, juicy, shiny, bright red, forced Rhubarb stalks sat looking up at me from under their up-turned bucket. "Eat me now" they said. So, last night I picked five stalks and put them in the pot to make some jam for this mornings breakfast. This is simple, delicious and memorably tasty!

Forced Rhubarb is easy to grow. You can get cuttings from your granny or any one else you know that grows it. Just cut down through the centre of the tuber with a sharp knife, take it home and plant it. If you know where to get a wee bit of horse manure every now and then - this will give them a great boost.

My Ingredients:

Five stalks of rhubarb - trim the tops and ends and wash quickly
1/2 cup of granulated sugar
1 whole clove
Juice from a 1/4 Lemon
1/4 tsp of freshly grated Ginger

My Method:

Tip of the Day ! - Always keep a piece of Fresh Ginger in the Freezer. You can grate this, from frozen, when needed and pop it back into the freezer.

Chop the Rhubarb into bite size pieces.
Put all the ingredients to the pot.
Bring to the boil and drop the heat to low.
Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring regularly so that it doesn't stick,  until it thickens like a jam!

Take it off the heat, pour into a bowl and leave to cool. Spread it on your bread and enjoy!

I made some Indian Meal (corn) bread last night too and it was perfect for the jam this morning getting the boy up for school. Click Here for the Indian Meal Bread Recipe.

You can easily Multiply up the quantities for more Jam if you have more Rhubarb!

Don't forget to Feed the Fish at the bottom of this post!

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