Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

A Calorie Counter for Everyone in the Audience!

It Looks like the Calorie Counting Snowball is not going to stop. And so, I found some Calorie Counters that you can stick on your own Blog or Website.

Thanks to...
...for the Calorie Counter Codes

First, here is the Code for a Website or a Blog on Blogger:

<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"
        title="Calorie Counter"
        style="width: 255px; height: 420px;">
        <a href=" Counter</a></iframe>

Highlight the Code, Copy, (in Blogger>Design>Add Gadget>HTML/JavaScript-Add third-party functionality or other code to your blog) Paste>Save.   - Now 'View Blog' and that's you sorted!!

For your website, add the code within the 'body' tags, save the page. FTP up to your website, click 'Refresh' and that's you sorted!

mmmmm... the Wordpress Code seems to have a wee problem- hang on there...

No, not having any joy there. I have contacted the site and will update you on advice recieved.

Ok - In the meantime you can go to and while there:

Alt>File>Send>Shortcut to Desktop.

This will put a Link on your Desktop to the site that gave me the code widget. Now you have your own Calorie Counter on your Desktop... and that's you sorted!

I have one on the site here at the bottom of this Page.

Enjoy the counting!

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